it is a shining a affirmative thing.
-G. K. Chesterton
Or is it, that as in essence whiteness
is not so much a color as the visible absence of color,
and at the same time the concrete of all colors;
is it for these reasons that there is such a dumb blankness,
full of meaning,
in a wide landscape of snows -
a colorless, all-color of atheism from which we shrink?
-Herman Melville
A white space is only the first reading of white.
-Edmond Jabes
White does not exist in nature.
-Pierre Auguste Renoir
Out of the white light of the sun
emanates the uplifting violet,
spacious blue, balancing green,
illuminating yellow, cleansing orange,
and grounding earth-red.
-Bruce Burger
White light combines
the all-powerfulness of violet,
with the peace and the truth of blue,
the riches and eternal rejuvenation of green,
the wisdom and knowledge of yellow,
the health, vigor and vitality of orange,
and the force, activity and dynamism of red.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
"Grey" is English
And one very definite bird-wing,
ocean-wave color to me;
and "gray" which is American,
and a flatter, more metallic color.
-Madeline L'Engle
The gray silence, the gray waves,
the gray wastes of the sea.
-William Sharp
absent of opinion, nothing, neither/nor.
-Gerhard Richter
The color of truth is gray.
-Andre Gide
Just before night.
Mary O'Neill
Mauve is just pink trying to be purple.
-James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Almost without exception
blue refers to the domain of abstraction and immortality.
-Wassily Kandinsky
Blue has no dimensions, it is beyond dimensions.
-Yves Klein
I left the visible physical blue at the door,
outside, in the street.
The real blue was inside,
the blue of profundity and space,
the blue of my kingdom, our kingdom.
-Yves Klein
A certain blue enters your soul
-Henri Matisse
Blue is therefore most suitable as the color of interior life.
-William H. Gass
Blueness doth express trueness.
-Ben Jonson
Blue is the only color
which maintains its own character is all its tones...
it always stays blue;
whereas yellow is blackened in all its shades,
and fades away when lightened;
red when darkened becomes brown,
and diluted with white is no longer red,
but another color, pink.
-Raoul Dufy
Green is the fresh emblem of well founded hopes.
In blue the spirit can wander, but in green it can rest.
-Mary Webb
Green calm below, blue quietness above.
-John Greenleaf Whittier
Green is the prime color of the world
and that from which its aliveness arises.
-Pedro Calderon
I am in love with this green Earth.
-Charles Lamb
Even in winter it shall be green in my heart.
Frederic Chopin
Everyone knows that yellow, orange and red
suggest the ideas of joy and plenty.
-Eugene Delacroix
How wonderful yellow is.
It stands for the sun.
-Vincent van Gogh
Yellow is capable of charming God.
-Vincent van Gogh
Orange is the mediator,
the restorer of relationships.
-Rebecca Clark
Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow.
-Wassily Kandinsky
-Frank Sinatra
Through red the human spirit finds release
from its more impassioned emotions.
-Faber Birren
Red, of course, is the colour of the interior of our bodies.
In a way it's inside out, red.
-Anish Kapoor
Of all the colors, brown is the most satisfying.
It is the deep fertile tint of the earth itself;
it lies hidden beneath every field and garden;
it is the garment of the multitude of the earth's children,
from the mouse to the eagle.
-Mary Webb
Black is not a color.
-Edouard Manet
There is something about black.
You feel hidden away in it.
-Georgia O'Keeffe
Whereas in blue we abandon ourselves to the Universe,
in yellow we experience the radiant force of our own being.
-Gladys Mayer